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Job Resume TemplateNerd Geek Lab Internship Portal project is a mobile application which is implemented in Android platform.Nerd Geek Lab Internship Portal Android demo tutorial and guide for developing code. Entity–relationship(er) diagrams,Data flow diagram(dfd),Sequence diagram and software requirements specification (SRS) of Nerd Geek Lab Internship Portal in report file. Download Nerd Geek Lab Internship Portal mobile application project in Android with source code . Latest Android project with source code. mobile mini and major project with source code. Synopsis of Nerd Geek Lab Internship Portal available in project document. This source code import in Android Studio for application development. Nerd Geek Lab Internship Portal project source code for BE, Btech, mca, bca, engineering, bs cs, IT, software engineering final year students can submits source code in collage. This source code submitted by Nerd GeekLab. Download Free Scripts,source Codes,Reviews and Much More.Nerd Geek Lab Internship Portal with output screen shot.Nerd Geek Lab Internship Portal academic Android projects for final year and semster students.Nerd Geek Lab Internship Portal is free download available here. We have grate project collection of Android with source code.
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demo Name | Nerd Geek Lab Internship Portal |
Project Complexity | advanced |
Duration | 15 Days |
demo ID | 2713 |
Developer Name | Nerd GeekLab |
Publish Date | September 7, 2018 |
demo Platform | Android |
Programming Language | Json, Java, Android, XML, Artificial Intelligence, Php, |
Front End | |
Back End | |
IDE Tool | Android Studio |
Database Integration | MySql, |
demo Type | mobile Application |
No of demo Download | 12 |
demo Total View | 1825 |
Today Trends | 1 |
Current Month Trends | 3 |
Last Month Trends | 37 |
You have any error or you don't understand project follow or any other problem.You can ask question. you know any answer or solution then give a answer and help other student.Complete they project perfectly.
Copy settings.sample file to ./internshipPortal/internshipPortal and call it settings.ini. Essentially, execute the command: cp settings.sample ./internshipPortal/internshipPortal/settings.ini
Edit the configuration settings (Set username/password of your phpmyadmin etc.). These changes would automatically reflect in the settings.py file.
Add a new database called internshipPortal in your phpmyadmin and do a ./manage.py syncdb.
Please do not push YOUR settings.ini file to the git repository.
Copy settings.sample file to ./internshipPortal/internshipPortal and call it settings.ini. Essentially, execute the command: cp settings.sample ./internshipPortal/internshipPortal/settings.ini
Edit the configuration settings (Set username/password of your phpmyadmin etc.). These changes would automatically reflect in the settings.py file.
Add a new database called internshipPortal in your phpmyadmin and do a ./manage.py syncdb.
Please do not push YOUR settings.ini file to the git repository.
Here list of key benifits to download a Nerd Geek Lab Internship Portal from kashipara.com.
Download Nerd Geek Lab Internship Portal source code at free of cost. Download link provide below.
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The navigation drawer is a UI panel that shows your app's main navigation menu. The drawer appears when the user touches the drawer icon in the app bar or when the user swipes a finger from the left edge of the screen. ... [ Download Source Code ]
Have you ever tried converting any website into Android App? If not then let me tell you it is very easy and you will need to use WebView for doing that. ... [ Download Source Code ]
In android, Implicit Intents won’t specify any name of the component to start instead, it declare an action to perform and it allows a component from other apps to handle it. For example, by using implicit intents we can request another app to show the location details of the user or etc. ... [ Download Source Code ]
In android, Dialog is a small window that prompt messages to the user to make a decision or enter additional details. Generally, the Dialogs are used with modals event and these useful to prompt users to perform a particular action to proceed further in the application. ... [ Download Source Code ]
Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that cover the whole UI of the app. This article shows you how to integrate Interstitial ads from Google Ads into an Android app. ... [ Download Source Code ]
SQLite Spinner App program is about how to create database based program using SQLite in Android.This program is created in a very effective way ... [ Download Source Code ]