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hot visual basic(vb) Job Interview Questions And Answers

Why don't preparation your interviews. Best and top asking questions visual basic(vb) questions and answers. Prepare your job visual basic(vb) interview with us. Most frequently asked questions in visual basic(vb) interview. Top 10 most common visual basic(vb) interview questions and answer to ask. visual basic(vb) most popular interview question for fresher and experiences. We have good collection of visual basic(vb) job interview questions and answers. Ask interview questions and answers mnc company.employee ,fresher and student. visual basic(vb) technical questions asking in interview. Complete placement preparation for major companies tests and visual basic(vb) interviews,Aptitude questions and answers, technical, interview tips, practice tests, assessment tests and general knowledge questions and answers.

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hot visual basic(vb) FAQ visual basic(vb) Interview Questions and Answers for Experiences and Freshers.

what is is a programming language that is available in Visual Studio. Net. It contains features of visual basic which is event based programming language and also includes object oriented concepts. [VB.Net is a programming language which is an extension of Visual Basic to make it compliant to the Dot Net Framework. Also VB.Net is fully Object Oriented unlike Visual Basic and everything in VB.Net is an object. As it is compliant to the Dot Net Framework VB.Net can make full use of Framework Class Library provided by dot Net Framework.

vb interview questions and answers

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-14 10:48:52

How can we assigns items on listbox so that it will show

rowwise please write the code for it.
Lisbox1.Items.Add "Prashant"
Lisbox1.Items.Add "Chinchu"
Lisbox1.Items.Add "Pallavi"
Lisbox1.Items.Add "Suresh"
Lisbox1.Items.Add "Polika" 

vb interview questions and answers for fresher and experiences

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-17 10:32:54

what are the properties should be given to set method?

Class Class1
' Define a local variable to store the property value.
[Ans: Only One Property. 
Private PropertyValue As String
' Define the property.
Public Property Prop1() As String
' The Get property procedure is called when the value
' of a property is retrieved. 
Return PropertyValue
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
' The Set property procedure is called when the value 
' of a property is modified. 
' The value to be assigned is passed in the 
' argument to Set. 
PropertyValue = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class 

vb interview questions and answers for fresher and experiences

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-17 10:33:29

How do you validate Date by using which validation Control?

<asp:regularexpressionvalidator id="regExpDate"
ErrorMessage="It is not a valid date"

vb interview questions and answers for fresher and experiences

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-17 10:34:41

What does VS.NET contains ?

Visual Studio .Net is basically a framework which makes easy development of codes written in Various programming languages..
It contains two things
1.Framework Class Library:It contains various classes managed within various namespaces.
2.Common Language Runtime:CLR is the execution engine which helps in compiling the IL code into machine code,takes care of security issues and many other critical tasks.
Web pages,windows apps,console applications,Class libraries are various options which can be created using 

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-19 13:37:47

How do you rate yourself in .NET ?

Based on Framework understanding and OOPS Concepts, Use of Different Component Library 

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-19 13:40:34

How do you do multithreading application in VB ?

VB doesn't support multithreading.
[Its the fastest and an excellent application provided in Due to which many operations can be done without any lapse of time. 
The system need not wait for an application or any task to get completed, rather it runs simultaneously.]

vb interview questions and answers

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-25 11:38:54

What is intermediate language in .NET ?

.net supports CLS i. e. Common language type. its a microsoft’s feature to bring all languages near one roof.
When You compile .net code it doesn't converted into binary language, it converted into IL (Intermediate Language) also known as MSIL. 
And from IL to binary language converted at run time, CLR manages this process. At the runtime also it not converts whole project at time to binary, only converts that part which is going to execute, this the performance of project increases. This IL can use any language which is
member of that .net studio. The assemblies (ExE, DLL) are also in IL form. So u can use any EXE or DLL created in in also.[which converts native code into byte code i.e machine understandable code.]
Disadvantages of vb ?
Following are the disadvantage of VB :
1. VB is not object oriented.
2. VB DLL does not support side-by-side execution
3. Deployment is time consuming as all the components must 
be registered in the Windows registry.
[.The VB support OOP concepts, but not support fully.
2.VB does not support exception handling.
3.No multithreading mechanism.]
Advantage of over vb ? 
1,supports Threading
2,powerful Exception handling
3,having support for the
console based applications
4,More than one version of
dll is supported
[1. VB is object based while is Object oriented
2. using OO functionality like inheritenc a, 
Excepetional handling, etc
3.VB .net is strong type casting which VB lack supports multi threading....]

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-19 14:12:44

Is VB.NET object oriented? What are the inheritances does VB.NET support ?

yes VB.NET ia an object oriented. supports all inheritance
1)single inheritance
It means Single class inheriting to single child classes
2)multiple inheritance
multiple classess inherits to single classes
3)Multilevel Inheritance
Single class inherits to one class that class inheritd to single another class
4)Heirarichal inheritance 
Single class inherits to Multiple classes
5)Hybrid Inheritance
Single class inherits to different classess and that classes inherits to one class

vb interview questions and answers

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-25 11:36:01

Difference between VB dll and assemblies in .NET ?

Assemblies can contain DLL and EXE both. Different versions of one DLL can be handled by assemblies. They overcome the DLL Hell problem. 
Assemblies Contain Manifest and Meta Data files. These are the separate files that describes the Assembly and its attributes. VB DLL is inprocess.
DLL run with an exe where as DLL are not self executable. 
we can reuse DLLs .DLL are not platform independent If we have more then one Versions of a DLL we can face DLL Hell Problem.

vb interview questions and answers

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-25 11:38:21

what are the types of threading models in ?

There are lot of threading model available, but we focus on Threading models that are common to win32based environments singleThreaded:There is only one thread with in the process,and it is doing all the work for the process.The process must wait for the current execution of the thread to complete before it can perform another action.
Apartment Threading (Single Threaded Apartment) Apartment threaded means there are multiple threads within the application. 
In single threaded apartment (STA) each thread is isolated in a separate apartment underneath the process. The process can have any number of apartments that share data through a proxy. The application defines when and for how long the thread in each apartment should execute. All requests are serialized through the Windows message queue such that only a single apartment is accessed at a time and thus only a single thread will be executing at any one time Free Threading (Multi Threaded Apartment) Free threaded applications were limited to programming languages such as C++ until the release of Microsoft .NET. The free threaded/Multi Threaded Apartment (MTA) model has a single apartment created underneath the process rather than multiple apartments. This single apartment holds multiple threads rather than just a single thread. No message queue is required because all of the threads are a part of the same apartment and can share data without a proxy. The developer must provide thread synchronization as part of the code to ensure that threads do not simultaneously access the same resources.

vb interview questions and answers

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-25 11:40:05

what are the advantage in and different between vb and

vb is not follow the oops concept. But follow the oops concept.
[Adv of VB.NET vb is object is object oriented vb use record set for database connection use dataset for database connection]
[1. VB uses vb runtime while uses CLR
2. VB object based, is object oriented
3. VB Suports splash screen 
4. VB Uses on error goto while uses Try.. 
5. vb.Net Supports inheritance]

vb interview questions and answers

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-25 11:40:41

What is the Difference between Web User Control and Web Custom Control?

web user control where it predefined attribute functionality where it resides in control library web custom control: where it is defined by 
user itself and store in a custom library
[Web User Controls:
1) Easy to Create
2) Limited support for consumers who use visual design tool
3) A seperate copy of the control is required in each 
4)Cannot be added to toolbox in Visual Studio.
5) Good for Static Layout
Web Custom Controls:
1) Harder to Create
2) Full support for consumers
3) Only a single copy of the control is required in the GAC
4)Can be added
5) Good for Dynamic Layout]

vb interview questions and answers

visual basic(vb)   2013-09-25 11:41:12

What is an indexed property?

you include the index parameter in the Property statement. 
In this example, the test_number parameter is the index for the Scores property. 
Public Class Student
' The private array of scores.
Private m_Scores(9) As Integer
' The indexed Score property procedures.
Public Property Score(ByVal test_number As Integer) As _
Return m_Scores(test_number)
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
m_Scores(test_number) = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class

visual basic(vb)   2013-11-23 17:57:36

hot visual basic(vb) questions and answers for experienced

visual basic(vb) best Interview Questions have been designed especially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your interview for the subject of visual basic(vb) Programming Language. here some questions that helpful for your interview. visual basic(vb) 2025 job interview questions with answers. visual basic(vb) for employee and fresher. Here we present some more challenging practice visual basic(vb) interview questions and answers that were asked in a real interview for a visual basic(vb) developer position. These questions are really good to not just test your visual basic(vb) skills, but also your general development knowledge. visual basic(vb) programming learning. we hope this visual basic(vb) interview questions and answers would be useful for quick glance before going for any visual basic(vb) job interview.