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How to write a Project Report?

The final year project is the culmination of the degree – it gives students a chance to demonstrate all they have learned. The project module is very different from other modules. Although students are supervised, the onus is on the student to define the problem boundaries, investigate possible solutions, and present the results in writing, verbally, and inaction. Apart from an initial briefing session, there are no formal lectures to attend. Teaching consists of regular individual/small group meetings to discuss progress. The report should be brief, with the number of pages of the main content of the report being not be more than 30 pages. For assessment, students submit reports of their progress and final results and give in-person presentations and demonstrations of their work.

The project tests students' ability to:
  • Design, engineer, and evaluate quality systems
  • Research their chosen subject area
  • Make good decisions
  • Overcome unforeseen problems
  • Work within constraints of limited resources
  • Work to a professional code of conduct
  • Communicate technical concepts both orally and in writing

Course Description

BCA - Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA) is an undergraduate degree course in computer applications. With the rapid growth of the IT industry in India, the demand for computer professionals is increasing day by day. This increasing growth of the IT industry has created a lot of opportunities for computer graduates. Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA) is one of the popular courses among the students who want to make their career in the IT (Information Technology) field. The duration of the course is 3 years and is divided into 6 semesters. It comprises the subjects like database, networking, data structure, core programming languages like ‘C’ and ‘java’. This course provides a lot of opportunities to the students who are interested in the computer field and want to work in the IT sector as programmers or software developers. in computer science - B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering, which is commonly known as Computer Science Engineering, is undoubtedly one of the most sought-after specializations of engineering. B.Tech in SE is among the top choices of courses for all engineering aspirants. B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering (CSE) is an academic program of the duration of four years which integrates the field of Computer Science and Computer Engineering. The program primarily emphasizes the basics of computer programming and networking while also comprising a plethora of topics. All the subjects and topics that are covered under B. Tech in Computer Science Engineering is related to algorithms, computation, programming languages, program design, computer hardware, computer software, etc. It is a comprehensive course in computer systems and applications. IT - B.Tech IT (Information Technology) is a 4-year Undergraduate (UG) engineering course where students are taught and trained in the concepts of software development. B.Tech IT is on par with the BCA course. However, the career prospects may vary for BCA and B.Tech IT. If you are looking for a bright career in the field of Software Engineering/ Development, this course is the best option. As IT is one of the dominant industries in India, the scope of career prospects is high with this degree. Students aspiring to study an IT course at B.Tech course must have a good knowledge of Mathematics and Physics is required to excel.

MCA - Master of Computer Applications (MCA) is a two-year professional post-graduate program for candidates wanting to delve deeper into the world of computer application development with the help of learning a modern programming language. The program is a blend of both theoretical and practical knowledge. MCA courses are more focused on the implementation of Programming Languages, IT Skills, and other such concepts with a detailed curriculum that stretches to five semesters. The sixth and final semester is dedicated to industrial training/ internship and projects. The MCA program focuses on providing a sound theoretical background as well as good practical exposure to students in the relevant areas. It is intended to provide modern, industry-oriented education in applied computer science. It aims at producing trained professionals who can successfully meet the demands of the information technology industry

MSc IT - An MSc in IT degree is a Master of Science in Information Technology. IT is a rapidly growing field in today’s digitally connected world. This certification not only arms a graduate with expertise in computer science; it also provides graduates with a competitive edge in the job market. Master of Science or MSc in information technology IT is a 2 years long postgraduate level master’s degree program. MSc IT aims to provide theoretical as well as practical knowledge on topics like software development, data mining, computer systems, analytics, etc. Graduates of an information technology master's program can obtain high-level jobs across a wide range of sectors. Students who earn a master's degree are more likely to secure higher salaries and advancement opportunities than those with a bachelor's degree.

BSc IT - B.Sc. IT (Information Technology) is an undergraduate degree that can be completed in 3 years. Information technology is all about storing, processing, and managing the information of an organization. B.Sc. IT course is designed to help students understand the process of managing huge data and information of an organization, analyze the performance of the computer system and servers and ensure secure transfer of data in a network. Students who have an interest in networking, network security system, communication, database management, Information technology systems can join the course. The course is designed keeping in mind the need of the industry and the need to manage bulk data that is produced in the organization daily.B.Sc IT graduates become professionals who have analytical and logical thinking abilities to solve real-time problems in the IT field. They know to identify problems in the IT and infrastructure, analyze them, and also find solutions for the same.

Project Report Format for Final Year BCA, MCA, B.TECH IT, and Computer Science Students

What is Project Work?

Project work is defined as a sequence of tasks that must be completed to attain a certain outcome. An information technology project is a temporary effort undertaken by or on behalf of the university that: Establishes a new technology-based system or service. Facilitates a significant business process transformation using technology; and Computer science projects are related to the study, development, and maintenance of computer systems in science. It is a diverse field that supersets the fields of data science, information technology, networking, programming, web development, and other holistic research and interests.

Project Report Format for Final Year Students


This document is intended to provide a set of specific and uniform guidelines to the B. Tech, BCA, MCA, MSC-IT, BSC-IT students in the preparation of the FINAL YEAR project report. The content of the report, which is submitted to the Institute in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology, is very much important. It is also imperative that the report, to be acceptable by the Institute, should essentially meet a uniform format emphasizing readability, concordance with ethical standards, and Institute-wide homogeneity.

Structure the Report

A report typically has four elements:

  • Executive Summary. Your report will begin with the summary, which is written once the report is finished. As the first item the reader encounters, this is the most important section of the document. They will likely use the summary to decide how much of the report they need to read so make it count!
  • Introduction: Provide a context for the report and outline the structure of the contents. Identify the scope of the report and any particular methodologies used.
  • Body: It’s now time to put your writing skills to work! This is the longest section of the report and should present background details, analysis, discussions, and recommendations for consideration. Draw upon data and supporting graphics to support your position.
  • Conclusion: Bring together the various elements of the report clearly and concisely. Identify the next steps and any actions that your reader needs to take.

Organization of the Project Work

The project work report starts with several chapters and ends with a summary & conclusion. Each section or chapter should include an exact title to reflect the contents mentioned in the chapter. A section can be separated into different sections & subsections to present the content discretely.Once the work includes two otherwise more equally independent analyses, this report may be separated into two or else more divisions, each with a suitable title. But, the numbering of the chapters will be constant right through.

In the above structure, the first nine pages are known as preliminary pages and are usually numbered with the Roman numerals as I, II, III, IV, and so on, except the title page.

All the contents of the project report should be in Times New Romans font, and the size should be 12 throughout. All the text should be left with the ‘justified’ option with line spacing of 1.5, but for the Captions, single spacing should opt. The length of the overall document should be around 80 to 100 pages for it to be an effective project report.

Typical Format of the Project Report

  1. Title Page

    The first page of the report. Try to find a title that clearly describes the work you have done and be as precise as possible. Mention your name, roll number, guide’s name, name of the department, name of the institute, place and month, and year of the report.

  2. Declaration and Approval

    The declaration is a statement written by the student who declares that he or she has sincerely completed his or her project. The declaration statement concludes with the signature of the student. The Approval page is also a confirmation from the head of the department, guide, and external examiner about their acceptance of the project. The approval page is endorsed with the signatures of the heads confirming their approval of the project.

  3. Acknowledgment

    Acknowledgement in the project is a section where the writer acknowledges and shows appreciation to everyone who has helped in the project. Acknowledgement is also included in the research project to recognize and thank everyone who was involved in the research. With acknowledgement, you can express gratitude to the people or institutions whose contributions were valuable to the success of the project. A page is usually dedicated to this purpose. And this page is usually at the beginning of your project just after the page containing the table of contents.

  4. Abstract

    An abstract summarizes, usually in one paragraph of 300 words or less, the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence that includes: 1) the overall purpose of the study and the research problem(s) you investigated; 2) the basic design of the study; 3) major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis; and, 4) a summary of your interpretations and conclusions.

  5. Table of Contents, List of Figures and Tables

    The table of contents otherwise called TOC is a roadmap to each part of the project. A table of contents often comes before the full project to give insight into the work. It allows readers to locate specific information or visit their favorite parts within the text. A table of contents helps readers to decide what part of the work they want to read first, in short, it offers an opportunity where to start.

    A list of figures is needed to detect visual information. The list of figures identifies the titles and locations of the visuals in the administrative or research document. Magazine articles do not use statistical lists. Figures concentrate information in unusual ways and show critical descriptions, configurations, and evidence. Readers often review them independently from other sections of the report. The titles of the figures are enlarged, and the Arabic numerals are numbered consecutively throughout the report.

  6. Notation & Classification

    A complete abbreviated form, notation, and nomenclature, such as the Greek alphabet, using the subscript must be provided after the table and statistical list. The short-form list used in the report must be provided alphabetically. The space between them must be equal to one and a half spaces, otherwise, the subject that can be typed will be under this heading.

  7. Numbering of Page

    Page numbers should either appear near the outer margin of the page (in the lower or upper corner) or be centered at the bottom or top of the page. The beginning sections such as the Acknowledgement, Abstract Table of Contents, and so will appear before the book's core content. These pages should not be included in the book's main numbering sequence (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). Instead, these pages are traditionally labeled with small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.) or not numbered at all.

  8. The Main Body of the Project

    The main body of the project is where the contents and essence of the report are told. There is a standard structure for a project report. If the report does not follow this structure, it can feel like an unorganized hodgepodge that doesn't communicate the core message very well.

    Chapter 1: Introduction chapter. This chapter should contain brief background information about the project, the methodology implemented for problem-solving, and the outlines of the results and future scope of the project. It rarely contains drawings and graphical illustrations.

    Chapter 2: Chapter of Literature Review. It evaluates the current work with the previous one. It depicts the current implementations that overcome the previous problems and limitations of the project, and draws the attention and focus on the foreknowledge work that would be conducted based on the ongoing work at present. It must be clear and simple to understand.

    Chapter 3-4 or 5: These chapters describe the overall in-depth information about the project. These chapters also involve the basic theoretical information about every Acknowledgments of the project, such as circuit design, simulation implementation, modeling, software implementation, statistical analysis, and calculations are done, results gained, and so on.

      • 1.1(Name of Project)-An Overview
      • 1.2 Scope of the Project
      • 1.3 Study of Existing System
      • 2.1 Proposed System
        • 2.1.1 Defining the Problem
        • 2.1.2 Developing Solution Strategies
        • 2.1.3 Flow Diagrams
      • 2.2 System Specification
        • 2.2.1 Hardware Specification
        • 2.2.2 Software Specification
      • 3.1 Interface Design
      • 3.2 Database Design
      • 3.3 Coding (Modular Description)
      • 3.4 Output screenshots
      • 3.5 Reports Generated
    4. TESTING
      • 4.1 Techniques used In Testing (Criteria for Test Cases)
      • 4.1.2 Test Cases (Min 05 Tests performed with snapshots)

  9. The Dimension of Page, Typing & Specifications of Binding

    The project report page must be A4 in size and the binding of the project report must not be a spiral binding with a printed cover page in a certain format. The new Roman layout of the Times, including the text format and font size used in the project, the size of 12 fonts. The space between each line must be 1.5. The space between text and quotes must be maintained. Chapter titles and section titles must be in the Times New Roman and must be bold and 15 points in all capitals. In every title, the cover is very important which means that the first letter of the word must be uppercase. For margins, the regular text includes these formats RIGHT = 1.00 ″, LEFT = 1.50, TOP = 1.00 ″ and BOTTOM = 1.00

  10. Details of Softcopy of the Project

    A soft copy is an electronic copy of some type of data, such as a file viewed on a computer's display or transmitted as an e-mail attachment. Such material, when printed, is referred to as a hard copy. The softcopy of the project can be provided on the CD. The folders in the CD include presentations like PPT with 50 slides. The softcopy in the CD must be observed for any damaging viruses before submission of the project report. Soft copies can be shared through any digital sharing medium.

  11. Conclusion and Recommendations

    Conclusions and recommendations usually form an important part of a project debrief. Conclusions summarise the achievements of the solution and may give recommendations for future design solutions. The conclusion and recommendations part summarizes the whole report by highlighting all the chapters and their significance and the importance of the project and the achievements. The Recommendations are interlinked with the conclusion. The conclusion drawn from the project report can be further implemented in the recommendation section to overcome the constraints of the project.

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