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Job Resume TemplateIn this page list of latest Node JS projects with source code and report. These Node JS projects are perfect for leveling up your skills add in your resume portfolio. At kashipara students can easily download the FREE Node JS projects with report, documentation, synopsis on varied topics according to their requirements. Are you looking for huge and free collection of Node JS projects with source code, your search ends here we have a collection of almost 200+ Node JS projects for you. Node JS is one of the most consumed languages among developers. So, these are collections of 20 Node JS projects which are in high demand in industries. In this page, we’ll be looking at 15+ exciting Java project ideas/topics for you to explore and practice.
This article will mainly focus on mentioning the best Node JS projects and why you need them.Our website offers Node JS projects for students with basic as well as advanced projects they frequent updates in the specific project. As an additional benefit, the project report is also included when you download a Node JS project. Our code is not AI generate Node JS code. It's manualy development by our best coder. we offer the source code to assist you in adapting your Node JS projects according to your needs. the need for Node JS projects with source code is very pressing to kickstart your journey into Node JS app development. This section will highlight the top 10 Node JS projects with their source code to enhance your development experience. All this projects for intermediate and beginners. These all source of download and clear your Node JS programming consept they help improve your programming skills. All deteails add in your job resume that help boost your career with proper consept.
Here’s a list of some skilled and advanced Node JS projects for experienced developers :
Node JS As an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications. Node.js is an open-source, Javascript runtime environment on Chrome's V8 that lets you effortlessly develop fast and scalable web applications. Node JS cross-platform runtime environment that allows developers to create all kinds of server-side. Node JS used as backend technologies for web-app development.
Here’s a list of ideas for beginners to try with Node JS projects free downloads:
Below is a table featuring Node JS projects for students and developer, along with brief explanations for each project:
Foodify is a full-featured, responsive food delivery application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) with Stripe payment integration. This project delivers a seamless experience for customers, administrators, and delivery personnel, combining a user-friendly frontend, a robust backend, and an intuitive admin panel into a s ... [ Download Source Code ]
Wordle is a word puzzle game where players guess a five-letter word in six tries. Each guess receives feedback: green for correct letters in the right position, yellow for correct letters in the wrong position, and gray for incorrect letters. The game offers one new word daily, and players can share results with color-coded grids. Its simple design ... [ Download Source Code ]
1. User Authentication 1.1 User Registration Functionality: Allows users to create a new account by providing a name, email, and password. Validation: Passwords are hashed for security before storing them in the database. 1.2 User Login Functionality: Authenticates users based on their email and password. Sessions: Upon successful login, a se ... [ Download Source Code ]
Schools and Universities are the foundation of knowledge and an educational body on which students rely upon. Therefore, they need to maintain a proper database of its students to keep all the updated records and easily share information with students. Most schools and Universities count on an advanced software tool knows as 'Student Information Sy ... [ Download Source Code ]
A dashboard website for a Life Insurance Company. Built using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS Login, logout, session, multilevel access, image uploads are implemented here. Features Agents can create clients Agents can only edit and delete info of the client. They created by Master Agent can create, update, delete all clients and agents info.Master Agent ca ... [ Download Source Code ]
News Website which shows latest and true news. This website has category dropdown menu for different news category. Here we use news api for fetching latest news. Node.js project using express, ejs where we fetch the news data from news api. ... [ Download Source Code ]
In this project we can check live Weather Temperature all over world and city . I have used in this project Weather Api. and it is Responsive ... [ Download Source Code ]