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Download latest SQL Database projects for Beginner, Advanced, Skilled

In this page list of latest SQL Database projects with source code and report. These SQL Database projects are perfect for leveling up your skills add in your resume portfolio. At kashipara students can easily download the FREE SQL Database projects with report, documentation, synopsis on varied topics according to their requirements. Are you looking for huge and free collection of SQL Database projects with source code, your search ends here we have a collection of almost 200+ SQL Database projects for you. SQL Database is one of the most consumed languages among developers. So, these are collections of 20 SQL Database projects which are in high demand in industries. In this page, we’ll be looking at 15+ exciting Java project ideas/topics for you to explore and practice.


This article will mainly focus on mentioning the best SQL Database projects and why you need them.Our website offers SQL Database projects for students with basic as well as advanced projects they frequent updates in the specific project. As an additional benefit, the project report is also included when you download a SQL Database project. Our code is not AI generate SQL Database code. It's manualy development by our best coder. we offer the source code to assist you in adapting your SQL Database projects according to your needs. the need for SQL Database projects with source code is very pressing to kickstart your journey into SQL Database app development. This section will highlight the top 10 SQL Database projects with their source code to enhance your development experience. All this projects for intermediate and beginners. These all source of download and clear your SQL Database programming consept they help improve your programming skills. All deteails add in your job resume that help boost your career with proper consept.

Here’s a list of some skilled and advanced SQL Database projects for experienced developers :

  • Bus Reservation System project in SQL Database
  • Airlines Reservation System project in SQL Database
  • Mobile shop Online project in SQL Database
  • Subquery project in SQL Database
  • Compound Joins project in SQL Database

SQL Database code for Website, Apps

SQL is used to communicate with a database. SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases. Our projects will teach you how to use SQL in: MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Postgres, and other database systems. There are many IDE for Sql Database are Oracle Sql developer, Oracle application express, Microsoft Access, PL/SQL developer etc. SQL:2016 Is the latest version of the Sql database. File extension of the sql database file is .sql.

Here’s a list of ideas for beginners to try with SQL Database projects free downloads:

  • Bus Reservation System project in SQL Database
  • Airlines Reservation System project in SQL Database
  • Compound Joins project in SQL Database
  • Left Right Outer Joins project in SQL Database
  • Subquery Sql Part 2 project in SQL Database

Here list of Advanced and Skilled SQL Database projects with source code

Below is a table featuring SQL Database projects for students and developer, along with brief explanations for each project:

SQL Database project

Bus Reservation System project in SQL Database


This project is designed to meet the requirements of a Bus reservation system. It has been developed in the database has been built in PL/SQL only, keeping in mind the specifications of the system. Apart from MS-Access we could have also implemented other database software like Oracle or SQL. For designing the system we have used simple data flow d ... [ Download Source Code ]

November 9, 2024
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SQL Database project

Airlines Reservation System project in SQL Database


Oracle 10g Express Edition Easy to retrieve data from database And easy to maintain. A dashboard website for a Life Insurance Company. Built using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS Login, logout, session, multilevel access, image uploads are implemented here. Features Agents can create clients Agents can only edit and delete info of the client. They creat ... [ Download Source Code ]

April 6, 2022
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SQL Database project

Compound Joins project in SQL Database


a SQL based microsoft sql studio based project which shows how to use compound joins in sql. It is a .sql file so it cna be opened in any DB software. ... [ Download Source Code ]

July 23, 2021
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SQL Database project

Left Right Outer Joins project in SQL Database


a my SQL microsoft sql studio based queries which show how to do left and right outer joins How does the data look like when performing these joins. ... [ Download Source Code ]

July 23, 2021
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SQL Database project

Subquery Sql Part 2 project in SQL Database


A sql server studio based project which shows how to use subquery. IT is an extension of the previous subquery ... [ Download Source Code ]

July 21, 2021
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SQL Database project

Subquery project in SQL Database


A Sql server studio which depicts the use of a subquery . This is one of my sql files . MAde using microsoft sql server studio ... [ Download Source Code ]

July 21, 2021
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SQL Database project

Delete Subquery project in SQL Database


a very good sql based program which shows how to use left outer join in sql Made using my sql studio by microsoft ... [ Download Source Code ]

July 21, 2021
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SQL Database project

Mobile shop Online project in SQL Database


Designed to be website online shopping and best product purchase in website. Product search algorithm in use the search product that is all different-2 type product display. This website designing very good format of combination color choose. It is used to product Add card and Buy this product to be payment card. Develop this website HTML,CSS JavaS ... [ Download Source Code ]

January 2, 2017
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SQL Database project

structured qurey language project in SQL Database


SQL   is a special-purpose programming language designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS). Originally based upon relational algebra and tuple relational calculus, SQL consists of a data ... [ Download Source Code ]

September 25, 2015
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