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The 20+ Interesting Codeigniter PHP Projects for final year students

In this page list of popular Codeigniter PHP projects with source code and report. These project list for final year in CSE, BE, BCA, MCA, B.Sc, Ms.Bsc, Computer Science students other Codeigniter PHP professionals. Available Dynamic and attractive Codeigniter PHP application as per user requirement. This developed Codeigniter PHP projects for source code and submission in college. At kashipara students can easily download the FREE Codeigniter PHP projects on varied topics according to their requirements. If you are running short out of time and not getting any Codeigniter PHP developer, you can use our website for Codeigniter PHP Free Projects Download and save your time and money.


This category consists of Codeigniter PHP projects list which can be downloaded by final year engineering students. Here is a compilation of all the Codeigniter PHP projects and mini projects uploaded in this site. All the projects are available with source code for free download. Check out the top 15 Codeigniter PHP projects with source code ideal for enhancing your portfolio and skills, catering to beginners, intermediate. Are you a final year student or a beginner looking for Codeigniter PHP projects with complete source code? You’ve come to the right place!

What's behind our Codeigniter PHP projects source code ?

Below are the top benefits of our Codeigniter PHP Projects:

  • Cost effective way of web, mobile, desktop, game development.
  • This project easy learning with perfect source code.
  • Codeigniter PHP practical knowledge is always better than theoretical tutorials.
  • You can customizations source code as per your requriments.
  • Free Codeigniter PHP Projects with source code contains functions and class that are reusable.

Here’s a list of some skilled and advanced Codeigniter PHP projects for experienced developers :

  • Online Learning Management System, Language Translator A Case Study Of Etuno Language project in Codeigniter PHP
  • Human Resource Management project in Codeigniter PHP
  • Online Computer Based Test project in Codeigniter PHP
  • Admin Product Management project in Codeigniter PHP
  • Hotel Management App project in Codeigniter PHP

About Codeigniter PHP

You can get the project built on Codeignter. Codeignter is the most popular framework of PHP; many websites today are built on Codeignter. Codeignter is based on MVC which means model view controller, in this presentation is totally different from the business logic. PHP version 8.1 or newer is required, with the following PHP extensions are enabled: intl, mbstring, json. Codeignter is much recommended for built web application or website. Codeignter works on all LAMP, WAMP, and XAMP etc. Sublime or netbeans is most popular IDE to built Codeignter project. Various database use in Codeignter as per project requirements. MySQL via the MySQLi driver (version 5.1 and above only) PostgreSQL via the Postgre driver (version 7.4 and above only) SQLite3 via the SQLite3 driver Microsoft SQL Server via the SQLSRV driver (version 2012 and above only) Oracle Database via the OCI8 driver (version 12.1 and above only)

Here’s a list of ideas for beginners to try with Codeigniter PHP projects free downloads:

  • online Food Shop project in Codeigniter PHP
  • Human Resource Management project in Codeigniter PHP
  • Hotel Management App project in Codeigniter PHP
  • Admin Product Management project in Codeigniter PHP
  • A Full Registration form with all validation project in Codeigniter PHP

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