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Job Resume TemplatePortfolio Website 2024 project features and function requirement. Share HTML, CSS and JS Project ideas and topics with us. Grate and many HTML, CSS and JS project ideas and topics . Here some HTML, CSS and JS project ideas for research paper. Here large collection of HTML, CSS and JS project with source code and database. We many idea to development application like mobile application,desktop software application,web application development. You can find more project topics and ideas on HTML, CSS and JS. Development ideas on Portfolio Website 2024. You can find Top Downloaded HTML, CSS and JS projects here. Many project available to download with HTML, CSS and JS source code and database. Free download Portfolio Website 2024 project synopsis available.
Free download Portfolio Website 2024 mini and major HTML, CSS and JS project source code. Download simple learning HTML, CSS and JS project source code with diagram and documentations. More project with source code related to latest HTML, CSS and JS projects here.
Publish by | SAURABH TIWARI |
Project Name | Portfolio Website 2024 |
Upload Date | October 20, 2024 |
Platform | HTML, CSS and JS |
Programming Language | HTML,CSS,TAILWIND CSS |
Database | NA |
Back end | NA |
Project Type | web Application |
View | 1089 |
The portfolio site, hosted at stvp.netlify.app, showcases my skills and experiences as a web developer. Designed with a modern aesthetic, the site features a responsive layout built using HTML, CSS, and Tailwind CSS. It highlights my projects, education, and professional experiences, providing potential employers and clients with a comprehensive view of my work. The intuitive navigation allows visitors to easily explore various sections, including contact information and links to my GitHub and LinkedIn profiles. This site serves as a personal brand, reflecting my passion for web development and commitment to continuous learning.
1. Overview The User Module is designed to manage user-related functionalities within the web application. This includes user registration, login, profile management, and authentication. 2. Features User Registration: Allows new users to create an account. User Login: Enables users to log in to their accounts. Profile Management: Users can view and update their personal information. Authentication: Secures routes and ensures only logged-in users can access certain pages.
Text Editor/IDE: Visual Studio Code: A popular code editor with extensions for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Sublime Text: A lightweight and fast text editor. Web Browsers: Google Chrome: For testing and debugging web applications. Firefox: Another browser option for cross-browser testing. Version Control: Git: For version control to track changes in your code. GitHub/GitLab: For remote repository hosting. Front-End Frameworks: Tailwind CSS: For styling the webpage with a utility-first approach. Bootstrap: An alternative CSS framework for responsive design (if preferred). JavaScript Runtime: Node.js: For running JavaScript on the server side (if needed). Build Tools: npm: Package manager to install dependencies if you use JavaScript libraries. Webpack: A module bundler for JavaScript applications. Deployment Platforms: Netlify: For deploying static websites easily. Vercel: Another deployment option for frontend applications.
Computer: Processor: Any modern multi-core processor (Intel i5/Ryzen 5 or better recommended). RAM: Minimum 8GB; 16GB recommended for smoother performance while multitasking. Storage: SSD with at least 256GB of available space for faster read/write speeds. Internet Connection: Broadband Connection: For downloading dependencies, uploading projects, and online collaboration. Optional Hardware: External Monitor: For improved productivity when coding. Keyboard and Mouse: Preferably mechanical keyboard for comfort during extended coding sessions.
To create a simple and attractive design for a user-friendly UI, you can focus on the following principles and elements. You can download a suitable template or project to get started and then make the necessary improvements to the code. Key Principles for a User-Friendly UI: Simplicity: Keep the design clean and minimalistic. Avoid unnec ... [ Download Source Code ]
To create a simple and attractive design for a user-friendly UI, you can focus on the following principles and elements. You can download a suitable template or project to get started and then make the necessary improvements to the code. Key Principles for a User-Friendly UI: Simplicity: Keep the design clean and minimalistic. Avoid unnec ... [ Download Source Code ]
A dashboard website for a Life Insurance Company. Built using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS Login, logout, session, multilevel access, image uploads are implemented here. Features Agents can create clients Agents can only edit and delete info of the client. They created by Master Agent can create, update, delete all clients and agents info.Master Ag ... [ Download Source Code ]
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Hero section with mission statement About Us Our Programs/Services Get Involved/Volunteer Donation section Impact/Success Stories Contact Form nonprofit-website/ ??? index.html ??? css/ ? ??? style.css ? ??? responsive.css ??? js/ ? ??? main.js ??? images/ ??? assets/ ... [ Download Source Code ]