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Job Resume TemplateIn this page Project Management System Using Laravel And Mysql project is a web application which is developed in Laravel PHP platform. This Laravel PHP project with tutorial and guide for developing a code. Project Management System Using Laravel And Mysql is a open source you can Download zip and edit as per you need. If you want more latest Laravel PHP projects here. This is simple and basic level small project for learning purpose. Also you can modified this system as per your requriments and develop a perfect advance level project. Zip file containing the source code that can be extracted and then imported into visual Code 10. Here Project Source code for BE, BTech, MCA, BCA, Engineering, Bs.CS, IT, Software Engineering, Computer Science students and Devloper. Student can submit in college for final year project. This script developed by rashmi mishra. This web application 100% working smooth without any bug. It is developed using Laravel, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Database Mysql. This software code helpful in academic projects and research paper for final year computer science. You can explore great collection of other Laravel PHP projects.
Becuase of kashipara is provide a best Project Management System Using Laravel And Mysql project solution for beginners, intermdetate and skilled developers. We provide a document file with project Synopsis, Reports, and various diagrams. Also Abstract in PDF, PPT file inside zip so that document link below the page. UML diagrams for Project Management System Using Laravel And Mysql. Class diagrams, Use Case diagrams, Entity–relationship(ER) diagrams, Data flow diagram(DFD), Sequence diagram and software requirements specification (SRS) in report file. Download code of Project Management System Using Laravel And Mysql project in Laravel PHP. You can find Top Downloaded Laravel PHP projects here.
project Name | Project Management System Using Laravel And Mysql |
Project Complexity | advanced |
Duration | 15 Days |
project ID | 13146 |
Developer Name | rashmi mishra |
Publish Date | September 17, 2024 |
project Platform | Laravel PHP |
Programming Language | Laravel, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap |
Front End | ReactJs ,BOOTSTRAP |
Back End | Laravel, Mysql |
IDE Tool | visual Code 10 |
Database Integration | Mysql |
project Type | web Application |
No of project Download | 70 |
project Total View | 1877 |
Today Trends | 9 |
Current Month Trends | 200 |
Last Month Trends | 303 |
You have any error or you don't understand project follow or any other problem.You can ask question. you know any answer or solution then give a answer and help other student.Complete they project perfectly.
1.Download ZIP: If you have the project as a ZIP file, download and extract it to your local machine.
2. Navigate to the Project Directory
Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the project’s root directory:
cd path/to/your/project
3. Install Dependencies
Laravel projects use Composer to manage PHP dependencies. Run the following command to install all required packages:
composer install
4Finally, install front-end dependencies and compile the assets:
npm install && npm run dev
5. Set Up Environment Configuration
Laravel uses a .env file for environment configuration. Copy the .env.example file to create a new .env file:
copy .env.example .env
6. Generate Application Key
Laravel requires an application key for security. Generate this key by running:
php artisan key:generate
7. Configure Database
Edit the .env file to configure your database settings. Update the following lines with your database credentials:
Make sure the database specified in DB_DATABASE exists in your MySQL server.
8. Run Migrations
If the project includes migrations, you need to apply them to set up the database schema:
php artisan migrate
9. Serve the Application
Start the Laravel development server:
php artisan serve
By default, the application will be available at http://localhost:8000. Open this URL in your web browser to access the project.
10.To open the projects...http://localhost:8000/projects
3. Import the Database
Start XAMPP or WAMP:
Open XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL.
For WAMP, ensure the WAMP server is running (green icon in the taskbar).
Open phpMyAdmin:
In your web browser, go to:
XAMPP: http://localhost/phpmyadmin
WAMP: http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Create a New Database:
Click on the Databases tab and create a new database. For example, name it attendance_db.
Import the Database File:
Click on the newly created database.
Go to the Import tab.
Click on Choose File and select the .sql file from the project folder (usually in a folder like db or sql).
Click Go to import the database.
Here list of key benifits to download a Project Management System Using Laravel And Mysql from kashipara.com.
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using this system we can order food in take-way ,a user who wants to order some food they order food and collect food on cafe. ... [ Download Source Code ]
The Project Management System you’re developing in Laravel with MySQL typically includes various features and functionalities to help manage and track projects efficiently. Here’s a detailed list of the features and functionalities that such a system might include: 1. User Authentication and Authorization User Registration and Login: Allow ... [ Download Source Code ]
basic portfolio,A basic customer relationship management system that allows you to manage your contacts and leads ... [ Download Source Code ]
There are two task which is devloped in laravel 10 framework for interview purpose. 1 task - store and edit and delete data in form without using of database. i am using here session to store data. and when user click on final submit than data will be store in database. In this i have used laravel for form submission. 2 task - when user click on ... [ Download Source Code ]
In this a Todo list app you can add task without refresh and reload of page. and by click on checkbox on task it will be getting completed and hidden from list automatic. and click on show all check box all completed and non completed task will be listed in list. and you can delete task by clicking on delete button. ... [ Download Source Code ]
Admin Login Librarian Login Teacher Login Student Login Document Library. Folder management User role based management Neat code Easy for creating migration and tables ... [ Download Source Code ]