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Job Resume TemplateIn this page list of issues on School Management System. This source code share by Him Jadav. If any errors in this project then you can ask question to developer or send a private messages. This project have a total 3 issues.
School Management System in PHP
Hello can you help me and tell how to run the project?
tbtbtbtb 2020-04-22 17:14:24
School Management System in PHP
this is adminn panel only... can you provide the cilent side which user/ student or parent can visit... because its just half and of no use if there is admin panel only ... and no client side.. or ... user side to display... i will be thankful if u provide it...
samiullahafzal 2019-12-08 04:35:41
School Management System in PHP
I have successfully downloaded this project and installed it on my localhost. my problem is I can only log in to Dashboard but all link inside is not working when I click on any link it will take me to the blank page. I hope you will direct me more appropriate Thank you very much.
bhkazaure 2019-10-23 15:09:04