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Online Shopping (Django) Project issues

In this page list of issues on Online Shopping (Django). This source code share by Suraj Ghosh. If any errors in this project then you can ask question to developer or send a private messages. This project have a total 6 issues.

Here Discussion on Issues

running issue

Online Shopping (Django) in Python

how do i run the django project. have downloaded the project. extracted thje zip file but cant run django project. how do i run

muthurijohn   2021-09-10 10:41:37

Regarding project Document

Online Shopping (Django) in Python

Hello sir, i'm unable to get project documentation like documentation and report.

sim009   2021-09-06 17:31:16

no module named 'widget_tweaks'

Online Shopping (Django) in Python

it says frozen importlib._bootstrap and no module named 'widget_tweaks'. help please?

egorav007   2021-06-22 07:06:20

report and documentation

Online Shopping (Django) in Python

report and documentation not inside project zip

123anand   2021-06-20 15:17:39

How to run

Online Shopping (Django) in Python

Please give me video where how it works and runs . So kindly reply as soon as possible

vinodballa   2021-02-28 14:20:45

How to run the project

Online Shopping (Django) in Python

Can you please let me know how to run this project? Can you please share the flow of the project?

kajal1010   2021-01-15 13:38:07

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