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Job Resume TemplateIn this page list of issues on Railway reservation system. This source code share by PATEL ABHIGNA. If any errors in this project then you can ask question to developer or send a private messages. This project have a total 5 issues.
Railway reservation system in C/C++
I have downloaded the project but when i tried to open it takes me to turboC++ editor window and not able to see any of the codes.
abhayamogh 2017-11-14 23:56:45
Railway reservation system in C/C++
user should be able to login else register. user is able to fill detail list of trains available and when selecting specific train to boo s/he should enter their details like name age,sex,location.after the filling of details confirmation of reservation. admin to manage and edit trains and user accounts. user must be able to view train schedule details
arwen1 2017-05-16 06:34:52
Railway reservation system in C/C++
Hy brother how are you.I need a project in c language on bus reservation.thanks a lot.
ashique333 2017-04-14 17:47:18