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Online Voting Application With Admin Function Project issues

In this page list of issues on Online Voting Application With Admin Function. This source code share by Naseer Thanveer. If any errors in this project then you can ask question to developer or send a private messages. This project have a total 3 issues.

Here Discussion on Issues

admin id and password

Online Voting Application With Admin Function in Android

Can you please provide us the admin id and password. it is not mentioned in any of the files and in this website.

avung123   2024-05-09 17:35:16

Admin details

Online Voting Application With Admin Function in Android

Hello, your app is great but the admin user id and password was not stated. I would appreciate if you could share them

saade842   2022-12-10 12:54:42

login issue

Online Voting Application With Admin Function in Android

pasword , voter id not match , adhar number not match

muhammadriaz   2021-11-26 02:57:24

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