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Airline Reservation System Project issues

In this page list of issues on Airline Reservation System. This source code share by jayvik kashipara. If any errors in this project then you can ask question to developer or send a private messages. This project have a total 4 issues.

Here Discussion on Issues


Airline Reservation System in Java

i con't download the project source code .could you please help me.

yuvalakshmi   2020-11-22 05:46:09

database connectivity issue

Airline Reservation System in Java

i am unable to connect my database to the project as my sql has no password. please guide me and contact me on my mail if possible.

harharmodi   2020-11-17 12:27:34

import in netbeans

Airline Reservation System in Java

how to import this project in netbeans and what is the processs

lgsryadav   2020-11-08 14:04:50

Can u build this project with different features ?

Airline Reservation System in Java

The task is to create a mini airline reservation system. The system must be able to handle two types of users: Customers and Administrators. Administrator can setup a flight to be reserved with: - Seating capacity of the plane - Price of 1st class and economy ticket - Departure airport for the flight - Arrival airport for the flight - Departure time - Arrival time Features to be supported: - Display list of all flights available - Allow user to pick a flight from list of all flights available and enter basic info (their name and age). - Seating chart must be displayed (in console) to the client when it is time to pick their seat. Example: O denotes "open"/"available", whereas "X" denotes reserved seat. Testing: Generate some seed data in order to test and demo the app.

amy123   2018-10-09 22:31:58

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