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The 20 Most Popular AngularJS Project Topics for final year student [2025]

In this page, Popular AngularJS Project Ideas & Topics to Sharpen Your Skills and Build Project. Explore popular AngularJS project topics and ideas for final year projects. Free Download mini and major AngularJS project defination source code. The Best Guide On The Internet To Know About The Top 10 AngularJS Projects. AngularJS innovative project ideas for developers. AngularJS based projects ideas with brief introduction of each topic. Developing real world AngularJS projects is the best way Ideas to Sharpen Up Your Programming Skills. In addition to core fundamental courses, the offering covers advanced topics in mobile app development, web and enterprise technologies, user interface (UI), user experience (UX), emerging technologies and more. Guide to the Best Final Year Computer Science Project Ideas for CSE students. students must submit a project proposal that, ideally, continues the work they started in an application development class. .

Here List of Latest AngularJS Project with Source Code for learning a application development. AngularJS Applications Development courses employ project based learning (capstone project). Most popular AngularJS project topics for software engeenring. Get all the BCA and BSC IT projects self learning kits you need along with source code and docs. You'll have the exciting opportunity to work on a real-world topic in the context of an application-based AngularJS project, with a focus on development and Software Engineering. This can involve analysing, specifying, developing, testing and evaluating a software system/application. We also encourage our students to present or publish their MSc findings at conferences. You can find Top Downloaded AngularJS Project Here

List of 20+ popular AngularJS projects idea with details.

Doctor Appointment System


patient has to register and login check for his/her requirement of particular doctor and book a slot timings booking doctor appointment in doctor mod...

 girijav   May 15, 2020

Pharmacy management


project should contain angular and mongo db backend and it should contain the details about details about medicine...

 prathyusha1234   February 8, 2020

Online shopping


online shooppinh project only in anglur js i am beginier in angluar js so i learn some project in anglur...

 ravikanta   September 14, 2018

E Commerce Web Application


I need a Basic E Commerce SPA based on angularJs. The website should fetch products from database and on click buy add them to the cart and on checkou...

 ks1705   March 25, 2020

Hospital management system using mean


To Create a Fully functional Website to help patients book early appointments with respective doctors so that to overcome various problems like long q...

 20bcs7232   September 14, 2022

Online hotel reservation in jsp,servlet


online hotel reservation system in java jsp and servlet as well as html, css  with source code for BA student of university...

 berihun   January 10, 2017

Online virtual class


online virtual class is project where teacher can be watched live and student can ask question and can be answer through texts and admin can see the a...

 docodeyemi   March 1, 2018

College website (department specific website)


college website management system to handle login of students and and database, view files, upload study materials, send messages to each other, view ...

 sirishathota   February 20, 2020

PetStores in India


1).Welcome Page/Index page which initially displays Petstores with Only Petstore Image, Petstore Name. 2). When User/Customer clicks on a particular ...

 sampathram   February 6, 2020

Angularjs projects


need projects to get more idea on real time applications and need to develop in angularjs nodejs and mongodb concepts by practising the real time proj...

 ganjikunta   August 20, 2019

Brain Train


User can register in application and appear for tests and view score • They can choose the topic to attend quiz. Registration is open to all ...

 dkumar1511   March 18, 2021

On Demand car wash system


Need angular or web project feature of admin user and car washer user should be able to login using email/fb and same with car washer and adm...

 neetu_kumari   May 23, 2022

Mockup tshirt


The project must have registration form for the user log in and must have select color to apply on canvas .After that,must have add your text.Then,add...

 din_zul   March 27, 2020

Hotel Management System


I want the project in above language can you give this project. In that project add some hotel details and this project is web based technology ...

 gayatrirakshak   November 6, 2023



Café billing system. We save inventory report, see profit & loss statement, Add product, add category, Add user and give them access ...

 yogesh25   September 19, 2022

Angular register page


IT should contain basic data fields, with validation, a thing where we can do custom filtration maybe like country list or origin, it should also have...

 amalamalamal11   May 26, 2021

Robotic surgery using cloud


Robot-assisted surgery or robotic surgery are any types of surgical procedures that are performed using robotic systems. Robotically assisted surgery ...

 narayana11   March 21, 2023

Ambulance app


I need documentation for this project. I have to submit my project to my college,could you please provide me the document...

 dguru343   April 6, 2022

MEAN stack


need in 20may m,njlkj nlkjlknlk jkljjl nmnn,n nlj kkdfasfkj ksfjska share with us your project you can post new project topics and i...

 mukulpundir   May 18, 2022

Staff management system


I want to make a project for my final year college submission project. and I'm enhancing my knowledge and becoming a job ready and Industry prepared....

 mishragaurav   February 19, 2023