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Job Resume TemplateIn this page Patient Information System project is a desktop application which is developed in VB .NET platform. This VB .NET project with tutorial and guide for developing a code. Patient Information System is a open source you can Download zip and edit as per you need. If you want more latest VB .NET projects here. This is simple and basic level small project for learning purpose. Also you can modified this system as per your requriments and develop a perfect advance level project. Zip file containing the source code that can be extracted and then imported into visual studio 2013,xampp. Here Project Source code for BE, BTech, MCA, BCA, Engineering, Bs.CS, IT, Software Engineering, Computer Science students and Devloper. Student can submit in college for final year project. This script developed by Hemakumar M. This desktop application 100% working smooth without any bug. It is developed using Visual studio 2013 and Database my sql,xampp. This software code helpful in academic projects and research paper for final year computer science. You can explore great collection of other VB .NET projects.
Becuase of kashipara is provide a best Patient Information System project solution for beginners, intermdetate and skilled developers. We provide a document file with project Synopsis, Reports, and various diagrams. Also Abstract in PDF, PPT file inside zip so that document link below the page. UML diagrams for Patient Information System. Class diagrams, Use Case diagrams, Entity–relationship(ER) diagrams, Data flow diagram(DFD), Sequence diagram and software requirements specification (SRS) in report file. Download code of Patient Information System project in VB .NET. You can find Top Downloaded VB .NET projects here.
project Name | Patient Information System |
Project Complexity | advanced |
Duration | 15 Days |
project ID | 3431 |
Developer Name | Hemakumar M |
Publish Date | August 15, 2019 |
project Platform | VB .NET |
Programming Language | Visual studio 2013 |
Front End | |
Back End | |
IDE Tool | visual studio 2013,xampp |
Database Integration | my sql,xampp |
project Type | desktop Application |
No of project Download | 305 |
project Total View | 6784 |
Today Trends | 2 |
Current Month Trends | 115 |
Last Month Trends | 129 |
You have any error or you don't understand project follow or any other problem.You can ask question. you know any answer or solution then give a answer and help other student.Complete they project perfectly.
Start Apache and MySQL in XAMPP, and follow the given steps
1st Step: Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/â€
2nd Step: Then, click on the databases tab
3rd Step: Create database naming “db_patientinformation†and then click on Import tab
4th Step: Click on browse file and select “db_patientinformation.sql†file which is inside “Database (MySQL)†folder
5th Step: Click on go.
After Creating Database,
Final Step: Open “MarkRedefenceSytem.sln†file.
Insert the username and password which is provided inside the “READ ME FIRST.txt†file.
Other Requirements To Run The Project:
MySQL Connector/ODBC
Here list of key benifits to download a Patient Information System from kashipara.com.
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