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Can u build this project with different features ?

  amy123    2018-10-09 22:31:58



The task is to create a mini airline reservation system. The system must be able to handle two types of users: Customers and Administrators. Administrator can setup a flight to be reserved with: - Seating capacity of the plane - Price of 1st class and economy ticket - Departure airport for the flight - Arrival airport for the flight - Departure time - Arrival time Features to be supported: - Display list of all flights available - Allow user to pick a flight from list of all flights available and enter basic info (their name and age). - Seating chart must be displayed (in console) to the client when it is time to pick their seat. Example: O denotes "open"/"available", whereas "X" denotes reserved seat. Testing: Generate some seed data in order to test and demo the app.


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