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  yellonix1    2013-12-21 06:20:43



sir,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I am using visual studio 2012 . when i opened this project on it ,there is several errors ,i tried hard to solve it but there is too many . I am not a professional , I need your help .<br>some errors are-<br>(1) in crystal report<br>(2) in the name of&nbsp; tools of .cs pages <br>(3) attaching file with db<br>and many more...<br>please help me out <br>thank you<br><br><br>


Hello dear am also using visual studio 2012 so 1st of all download Crystal report for version of 2012 to this direct <b>link&nbsp;</b><div>1.1st error you see because of crystal report after install crystal report error automatically solve</div><div>2. 2nd error I can solve after see your error so you send file or image on or +919813217422 on WhatsApp</div><div>3. 3rd you see because of Database if you already installed SQL server Database then</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(<b>"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\erp.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")</b>;</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; change it into your Connection&nbsp;</div><div>for ex.<b>Data Source=VIKAS-PC; Database= Project; integrated security=true; modify to in this</b>&nbsp;type</div><div>&nbsp;VIKAS-PC is name of my SQL Server (Local Server) ; And <b>Project</b>&nbsp;is name of my Database name</div>

2017-01-11 06:48:50

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