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Request for Postman Collection - Full Fledged Ecommerce Website Project in React.js

  ayush2373    2023-08-05 04:38:46



Dear Vivek Chaturvedi, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request the Postman collection for the backend API of the "Full Fledged Ecommerce Website Project in React.js" that we have been working on. As we move forward with testing and finalizing the project, having this collection will greatly assist us in ensuring the seamless functionality and reliability of our backend services. The Postman collection will allow us to effectively test various API endpoints, simulate different scenarios, and identify any potential issues or optimizations that might be required. This is a critical step in delivering a high-quality user experience on our Ecommerce platform. Could you please provide me with the Postman collection that includes a comprehensive set of API requests covering functionalities such as product management, user authentication, order processing, and any other relevant aspects of the project? Kindly send the Postman collection to my email address: Your prompt response would be greatly appreciated, as it will enable us to expedite the testing phase and ensure the timely launch of our Ecommerce website. Thank you for your dedication and hard work on this project. Your efforts are invaluable in achieving our project goals and delivering a top-notch product to our users. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out to me. I'm looking forward to receiving the Postman collection and continuing our collaborative efforts. Best regards,


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