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D Programming software for developer and beginners

Latest version D Programming release on August 1, 2024

Update on August 12, 2024

D Programming coding apps information

Name D Programming
Category Name Programming Languages
Release Date August 1, 2024
LTS Version D 2.110.0
License 0
Official Website
Supported OS Windows, MAC, LINUX

D Programming overview

D is a multi-paradigm system programming language designed for performance-critical applications, combining the power of C/C++ with the productivity of modern languages like Python. It provides direct access to hardware, built-in garbage collection, dynamic arrays, and robust meta-programming with templates and compile-time execution. D also supports memory safety, native concurrency, and interoperability with C/C++ libraries. The latest version, D 2.104.0, enhances type inference, metaprogramming, C++ interoperability, debugging tools, concurrency, and adds new modules to the Phobos standard library for improved performance and usability.

D Programming requirement

Software Requirements:- Windows: Windows 7+ (64-bit), DMD/GDC/LDC compilers, Visual Studio/MinGW, DUB package manager. macOS: macOS 10.12+, DMD/GDC/LDC, Xcode CLI Tools, optional Homebrew for installation. Linux: Modern Linux distro, DMD/GDC/LDC, GNU Make/CMake, DUB package manager. Hardware Requirements:- Processor: x86-64 or ARM (dual-core+), Memory: 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended), Storage: 1 GB disk space, Graphics: Integrated graphics sufficient for all platforms.

Programming Languages apps

Software list

Latest version release on September 11, 2024

September 11, 2024 Programming Languages

Latest version 8.7 release on August 8, 2023

August 8, 2023 Programming Languages

Latest version 6.0 release on March 1, 2023

March 1, 2023 Programming Languages

Latest version 3.2 release on July 28, 2023

July 28, 2023 Programming Languages

Latest version ISO/IEC 1539-1:2018 release on November 1, 2018

November 1, 2018 Programming Languages