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188.	Prometheus Logo

188. Prometheus software for developer and beginners

Latest version 188. Prometheus release on August 17, 2023

Update on September 1, 2024

188. Prometheus coding apps information

Name 188. Prometheus
Category Name Database management software
Release Date August 17, 2023
LTS Version 2.47.0
License 0
Official Website
Supported OS Windows, MAC, LINUX

188. Prometheus overview

Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit designed primarily for reliability and scalability. Born out of SoundCloud in 2012, Prometheus has become a de facto standard in cloud-native environments, particularly for monitoring Kubernetes clusters. Unlike traditional databases, Prometheus is a time-series database that excels in recording metrics at high frequency, supporting complex queries, and triggering alerts based on those metrics.

188. Prometheus requirement

Software:- Windows: Requires Docker/WSL with Ubuntu, Go 1.20+. macOS: Needs Go 1.20+ and Homebrew. Linux: Requires Go 1.20+, wget, tar, systemd. Hardware:- CPU: Multi-core (4+ cores). Memory: 8 GB minimum, 16 GB recommended. Storage: SSD with 50 GB minimum.

Database management software apps

Software list

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