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ARC software for developer and beginners

Latest version ARC release on October 28, 2018

Update on January 27, 2025

ARC coding apps information

Name ARC
Category Name Programming Languages
Release Date October 28, 2018
LTS Version 3.2
License 0
Official Website
Supported OS Windows, Mac Os, LINUX

ARC overview

Arc is a minimalist dialect of Lisp, crafted by Paul Graham and Robert Morris, emphasizing brevity and flexibility. Released in 2008, it aims to streamline code, reducing verbosity inherent in other Lisp variants. Arc's design philosophy centers on simplicity, providing a small set of powerful tools to facilitate rapid development. Its dynamic nature allows for interactive coding, promoting an exploratory programming style. The language supports metaprogramming, enabling developers to write code that manipulates code, enhancing abstraction capabilities. Arc's community-driven evolution has led to various implementations and libraries, expanding its ecosystem. Notably, the Hacker News platform was originally implemented using Arc, showcasing its practical application in real-world projects.

ARC requirement

Software Requirements:- A compatible Scheme implementation, such as Racket, is necessary to run Arc. Ensure the Scheme environment is properly configured to support Arc's runtime. Additional libraries or dependencies may be required based on specific Arc applications or extensions. Hardware Requirements:- A modern processor with at least 1 GHz clock speed is recommended for efficient execution. A minimum of 512 MB RAM is necessary, though 1 GB or more is advisable for complex tasks. Adequate storage space to accommodate the Scheme implementation, Arc files, and any associated projects.

Programming Languages apps

Software list

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