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Druid software for developer and beginners

Latest version Druid release on July 17, 2024

Update on August 28, 2024

Druid coding apps information

Name Druid
Category Name Database management software
Release Date July 17, 2024
LTS Version 30.0.0
License 1
Official Website
Supported OS Windows, MAC, LINUX

Druid overview

Druid is a high-performance, real-time analytics database designed for fast queries on large volumes of data. It’s particularly well-suited for analytical workflows involving aggregations, filtering, and slicing/dicing large datasets in near real-time. Built with a distributed architecture, Druid supports horizontal scaling, making it ideal for big data applications where responsiveness and agility are key. Druid is known for its powerful capabilities in real-time data analysis, making it a popular choice for enterprises that need to derive insights from large datasets quickly. The recent updates have only enhanced its performance and integration capabilities, making it even more versatile for modern analytical needs.

Druid requirement

Software Requirements: Linux & MacOS: Java 11+, Apache ZooKeeper, optional Apache Kafka. Windows: Java 11+, Apache ZooKeeper, optional Apache Kafka. Hardware Requirements:- Linux & MacOS: Multi-core CPU, 16 GB RAM (32 GB+ recommended), SSD (500 GB+), high-speed network (10 Gbps+). Windows: Multi-core CPU, 16 GB RAM (more based on workload), SSD, fast network

Database management software apps

Software list

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September 23, 2023 Database management software

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InterSystems Caché

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