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Job Resume TemplateLatest version Futhark release on April 18, 2023
Name | Futhark |
Category Name | Programming Languages |
Release Date | April 18, 2023 |
LTS Version | 0.24.4 |
License | 0 |
Official Website | https://futhark-lang.org/ |
Supported OS | Windows, MAC, LINUX |
Futhark is a high-performance, functional programming language specifically designed for parallel computing on modern GPUs. Originating from Denmark's University of Copenhagen, it focuses on data-parallel array programming and employs a purely functional approach. Futhark enables the creation of code that runs seamlessly on GPUs, achieving impressive speedups for computationally intensive tasks, like those found in scientific computing and data analytics.
Software Requirements:- Windows: Haskell Stack (latest), CUDA (for GPU). macOS: Haskell Stack, OpenCL SDK (for GPU). Linux: Haskell Stack, OpenCL or CUDA based on GPU. Hardware Requirements:- Windows: Min: Intel/AMD, 4GB RAM, basic GPU. Rec: CUDA/OpenCL GPU, 8GB RAM. macOS: Min: Intel/M1, 4GB RAM. Rec: M1 Pro, 8GB RAM, discrete GPU. Linux: Min: Intel/AMD, 4GB RAM, OpenCL GPU. Rec: CUDA GPU, 8GB RAM.