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InterSystems Caché software for developer and beginners

Latest version InterSystems Caché release on May 17, 2020

Update on September 3, 2024

InterSystems Caché coding apps information

Name InterSystems Caché
Category Name Database management software
Release Date May 17, 2020
LTS Version 2018.1.4
License 1
Official Website
Supported OS Windows, MAC, LINUX

InterSystems Caché overview

InterSystems Caché is an advanced multi-dimensional database system renowned for its high performance and robust capabilities, particularly in the realm of enterprise-level applications and data management. Think of it as the "Swiss Army knife" of database systems, blending the best aspects of relational and object-oriented databases with an innovative, multidimensional approach. InterSystems Caché stands out as a powerful, multi-dimensional database system that bridges the gap between relational and object-oriented databases, offering impressive performance and flexibility. Its latest version brings significant improvements and new features, catering to the evolving needs of modern enterprises.

InterSystems Caché requirement

Software Requirements:- Windows: Windows Server 2016 or later, Windows 10; .NET Framework 4.6 or later; additional components may be needed. Linux: RHEL 7.4+, CentOS 7.4+, Ubuntu 16.04+; requires GNU C Library and other libraries; additional packages may be needed. macOS: Not directly supported; use virtualization software like VMware Fusion or Parallels Desktop. Hardware Requirements Windows/Linux: Intel/AMD 64-bit processor, 8 GB RAM (16 GB recommended), 10 GB storage (more based on usage), stable network. macOS: Host system should meet virtualization requirements; 8 GB RAM recommended, with sufficient storage for virtualization.

Database management software apps

Software list

Latest version 2023 release on February 1, 2023


Latest version 9.0 release on August 1, 2007


Latest version 15 release on September 23, 2023

September 23, 2023 Database management software

Latest version dBASE 2019 release on April 1, 2019

InterSystems Caché

Latest version 2018.1.4 release on May 17, 2020