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Matisse software for developer and beginners

Latest version Matisse release on March 15, 2024

Update on August 28, 2024

Matisse coding apps information

Name Matisse
Category Name Database management software
Release Date March 15, 2024
LTS Version 9.2
License 1
Official Website
Supported OS Windows, MAC, LINUX

Matisse overview

Matisse is a next-generation, object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) that merges the power of object databases with the familiarity and capabilities of relational databases. Designed to handle complex, data-intensive applications, Matisse is particularly well-suited for domains like financial services, telecommunications, and real-time applications where both performance and flexibility are paramount. Matisse's architecture is built to support modern, distributed applications, providing seamless integration between object-oriented programming and relational database models. This allows developers to work with rich data structures and relationships directly within the database, reducing the impedance mismatch between the database layer and application logic.

Matisse requirement

Software Requirements:- Windows: Windows 10/Server 2016+, JDK 11+, MS Visual Studio 2019+, ODBC/JDBC drivers. macOS: Big Sur+, JDK 11+, Xcode, ODBC/JDBC drivers. Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS+, JDK 11+, GCC 9.3+, ODBC/JDBC drivers. Hardware Requirements:- Processor: Intel Xeon/AMD Ryzen (8+ cores), Memory: 32 GB RAM, Storage: 500 GB SSD, Network: Gigabit Ethernet/Wi-Fi 6.

Database management software apps

Software list

Latest version 2023 release on February 1, 2023


Latest version 9.0 release on August 1, 2007


Latest version 15 release on September 23, 2023

September 23, 2023 Database management software

Latest version dBASE 2019 release on April 1, 2019

InterSystems Caché

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