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QuestDB software for developer and beginners

Latest version QuestDB release on July 7, 2024

Update on September 1, 2024

QuestDB coding apps information

Name QuestDB
Category Name Database management software
Release Date July 7, 2024
LTS Version 8.1.0
License 0
Official Website
Supported OS Windows, MAC, LINUX

QuestDB overview

QuestDB is a high-performance time-series database designed to process and analyze large volumes of time-stamped data at lightning speed. Engineered from the ground up in Java and C++, QuestDB is optimized for both performance and simplicity, offering real-time data ingestion and instant querying capabilities. It boasts a unique SQL-based query language that blends the familiarity of SQL with specialized time-series functions, making it ideal for financial data, IoT, DevOps, and any other application where time-series data plays a critical role.

QuestDB requirement

Software:- Windows/macOS/Linux: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 11 or later. Dependencies: None for Windows/macOS; libc, libpthread for Linux. Hardware:- CPU: Quad-core Intel/AMD or Apple Silicon M1. RAM: 8 GB (16 GB recommended). Storage: SSD with at least 50 GB free (NVMe recommended).

Database management software apps

Software list

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