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Riak software for developer and beginners

Latest version Riak release on January 1, 2023

Update on August 29, 2024

Riak coding apps information

Name Riak
Category Name Database management software
Release Date January 1, 2023
LTS Version 3.2.0
License 1
Official Website
Supported OS Windows, MAC, LINUX

Riak overview

Riak is a distributed NoSQL database designed for highly available, fault-tolerant, and scalable systems. It's built on the principles of Amazon's Dynamo, aiming to provide a robust database solution that excels in scenarios requiring high availability and resilience to failures. Riak's architecture is based on a decentralized model where data is evenly distributed across the cluster, ensuring that the system continues to operate even in the presence of node failures. Riak is particularly well-suited for scenarios involving large-scale, distributed systems, where the consistency of data can be relaxed in favor of availability and partition tolerance, aligning with the CAP theorem. It’s often used in industries that require high reliability, such as telecommunications, e-commerce, and cloud services.

Riak requirement

Software Requirements:- Windows: Windows 10+ with Docker or WSL2 for Linux compatibility. macOS: macOS 10.15+ with Homebrew, OpenSSL, and Erlang/OTP 22+. Linux: Modern Linux distros (Ubuntu 20.04+, CentOS 7+); requires Erlang/OTP 22+, OpenSSL. Hardware Requirements:- CPU: 4 cores minimum. RAM: 8 GB (16 GB recommended). Storage: 100 GB SSD.

Database management software apps

Software list

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September 23, 2023 Database management software

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InterSystems Caché

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