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SAS/C software for developer and beginners

Latest version SAS/C release on April 1, 2004

Update on September 12, 2024

SAS/C coding apps information

Name SAS/C
Category Name IDEs/Source Editors
Release Date April 1, 2004
LTS Version 7.50
License 0
Official Website

SAS/C overview

The SAS/C Compiler is a specialized C compiler initially developed by SAS Institute for mainframe environments. It was designed to target IBM mainframes running the z/OS (formerly MVS) and CMS operating systems. Although it is deeply rooted in the mainframe environment, SAS/C offers a comprehensive suite of C development tools, including an advanced optimizing compiler, libraries, debuggers, and tools for building robust, efficient C applications for these platforms. While the use of SAS/C has declined as other compilers dominate the market, it remains a respected product in certain niche applications where legacy systems are still critical.

SAS/C requirement

Software Requirements:- SAS/C requires z/OS (MVS) or CMS as the operating system and runs exclusively on IBM mainframes. It is not supported on Windows, Mac, or Linux. Hardware Requirements:- SAS/C targets IBM System/370, System/390, or zSeries mainframes, with typical configurations starting at 4 GB RAM and several gigabytes of disk storage.

IDEs/Source Editors apps

Software list

Latest version 4.3 release on December 12, 2023

December 12, 2023 IDEs/Source Editors

Latest version V1.64 release on December 1, 2023

December 1, 2023 IDEs/Source Editors
Bloodshed C++

Latest version release on February 22, 2005

February 22, 2005 IDEs/Source Editors
Blitz Compiler

Latest version release on July 1, 2023

July 1, 2023 IDEs/Source Editors

Latest version 7.50 release on April 1, 2004

April 1, 2004 IDEs/Source Editors