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Job Resume TemplateLatest version Scite Editor release on October 24, 2024
Name | Scite Editor |
Category Name | IDEs/Source Editors |
Release Date | October 24, 2024 |
LTS Version | 5.5.3 |
License | 0 |
Official Website | https://scintilla.org/SciTE.html |
Supported OS | Windows, MAC, LINUX |
SciTE is a lightweight and highly efficient text editor optimized for programming and text editing. Built on the SCIntilla library, it features syntax highlighting, code folding, and customizable configurations. With its Lua scripting support, users can create custom functionalities, making it adaptable for various programming needs. SciTE is best suited for those looking for a midweight, focused coding environment.
Software Requirements:- Windows: Compatible from Windows 98 to 11; requires minimal dependencies. Linux: Compatible with major distributions supporting GTK or Qt. macOS: Requires macOS 10.12 or later for full compatibility. Hardware Requirements:- CPU: 1 GHz or faster. RAM: 512 MB or more. Storage: 10 MB free disk space.
Latest version 12.02.2201 release on January 10, 2025