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TigerGraph software for developer and beginners

Latest version TigerGraph release on July 1, 2023

Update on August 27, 2024

TigerGraph coding apps information

Name TigerGraph
Category Name Servers
Release Date July 1, 2023
LTS Version 3.8
License 0
Official Website
Supported OS Windows, MAC, LINUX

TigerGraph overview

TigerGraph is a cutting-edge, native parallel graph database designed to handle massive, complex datasets at lightning speed. It leverages the power of graph analytics to provide real-time insights, making it ideal for scenarios requiring deep link analysis, such as fraud detection, personalized recommendations, and supply chain management. With its high-performance engine, TigerGraph can scale both horizontally and vertically, supporting millions of vertices and edges effortlessly. TigerGraph DB Server is a powerful tool that provides unparalleled graph analytics capabilities. Whether deployed on Windows, macOS, or Linux, its latest version enhances performance, security, and usability, making it a formidable choice for organizations needing real-time insights from complex datasets.

TigerGraph requirement

Software Requirements:- Windows/Mac/Linux: Requires Docker, Python 3.6+, and relevant OS (Windows 10/Server 2019, macOS 10.15+, Ubuntu 18.04+/CentOS 7+). Hardware Requirements:- CPU: 4+ cores (8+ for production). Memory: 16 GB RAM minimum (32 GB+ recommended). Storage: 100 GB+ SSD.

Servers apps

Software list

Latest version 5.2.6 release on July 15, 2024

July 15, 2024 Servers
Tru64 UNIX

Latest version 5.1B-6 release on October 1, 2010

October 1, 2010 Servers
Banyan VINES

Latest version 8.5 release on May 1, 2015

May 1, 2015 Servers

Latest version 7.2 release on March 31, 2023

March 31, 2023 Servers

Latest version 7.3 TL2 release on November 23, 2023

November 23, 2023 Servers